Awareness Project

กฎหมายการจัดการซากขยะอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ WEEE
Over the past decade, electrical appliances Electronic equipment and information technology Rapidly changing to meet the needs of consumers, for example, a simple color TV has become a thin screen Smart TV that can connect to the Internet. Personal computers (PCs) that use large screens have changed to LDE screens, thin shapes or use laptops, including mobile phones, which have become the fifth factor. The shape has also changed from a compact model to a boat model. big flag These developments caused the product to be outdated. Expires a lot of life leading to an increasing amount of electronic waste every year
Electronic waste (E-waste) refers to electrical and electronic products that have expired or that we no longer need. by the Pollution Control Department (PCD), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Choose to use the word "Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)" according to EU legal terminology.
E-waste is becoming a major environmental problem in Thailand. because these pieces of garbage will be contaminated